Debian GNU/Linux Debian Open Logo

OS family: Linux
Source model: {{{source_model}}}
Latest stable release: {{{latest_release_version}}} / {{{latest_release_date}}}
Kernel type: {{{kernel_type}}}
Default user interface: {{{ui}}}
License: {{{license}}}
Licence: {{{licence}}}
Working state: {{{working_state}}}
Wiki Wikia:c:Debian

Debian, is a widely used distribution of free software developed through the collaboration of volunteers from around the world and organized through the Debian Project. Since its inception, the released system, Debian GNU/Linux, has been based on the Linux kernel, with many basic tools of the operating system from the GNU project.

Debian is known for its adherence to the Unix and free software philosophies, and for its abundance of options—the current release includes over fifteen thousand software packages for eleven computer architectures, ranging from the ARM architecture commonly found in embedded systems and the IBM s390 mainframe architecture to the more common x86 and PowerPC architectures found in modern personal computers. Debian GNU/Linux is the basis for several other distributions, including Knoppix and Ubuntu.

Debian is also known for its package management system, especially APT, for its strict policies regarding the quality of its packages and releases, and for its open development and testing process. These practices afford easy upgrades between releases without rebooting and easy automated installation and removal of packages.

Debian is supported by donations through Software in the Public Interest, Inc., a non-profit umbrella organization for free software projects.

Debian Live

Debian Live is Debian in a LiveCD or USB flash drive that can use Debian Installer to install standard Debian into harddisk.

External links
